Galápagos Islands – 2019

As part of my Christmas vacation to Peru and Ecuador I was fortunate to finally visit the Galápagos Islands on a 4 night cruise.


The boat was just the 11 of us on our tour along with our OAT trip leader and a local naturalist.

Each day had a morning and afternoon visit to one of the islands as well as opportunities to snorkel in between. Our tour covered Santa Cruz, Isabella, Santiago, Rabida and North Seymour Islands.


Each island had very different landscapes, flora and fauna. Some areas looked like the rain forest. Others reminded me of Arizona…if it was situated on the Pacific Ocean. We arrived just before the start of the rainy season. Because of this many trees were barren and look dead. Just surreal. In a few months they will all be green again.

It was great to be able to wear shorts for a few days in the middle of winter.